We Are Making a Positive Impact Across The Globe.

RSS Trading & Consultancy was formed in 2022 and has a combined 65+ years of operational and management experience between it’s Managing Director and Managing Partner who have dedicated their careers to the Global Oil and Gas industry, including extensive experience in LPG & LNG Production, Hydrocarbon & Natural Gas Processing and Gas Transmission.

Our main areas of business is:

  • Oil and Gas Trading mainly in NYMEX
  • Oil and Gas Consultancy Services
  • Commodity & Currency Trading
  • Shipping Services
  • Supply of PPE

Every day, billions of users around the world rely on oil and gas for power generation, transportation, manufacturing, heating and many other applications. RSS Trading & Consultancy buys and sells this Oil and Gas.

Our newly established Oil and Gas Trading team has many years of prior experience working with producers, leading oil traders and energy multinationals enabling our Traders assess risks and advice our clients on many trading issues including a wide range of derivatives products.

Our team of Engineering Experts also provide advice and Consultancy Services for a wide range of Operational and Production issues that exist within the Oil and Gas industry and we look forward to speaking with you.

At RSS Trading and Consultancy, our team is constantly evolving and adapting to new global challenges in the Oil and Gas Market, ensuring we always have a competitive edge. We take pride in the quality and delivery of our product and services, allowing us to meet our clients’ needs with reliable and efficient solutions.